Sell with Us

Exceptional properties deserve extraordinary marketing.

For those who demand an elevated service like none other, there’s One Of A Kind Listing

Many begin their real estate hunt online. If your property isn’t showcased online, you rely solely on chance—hoping someone stumbles upon or hears about it. Our specialty lies in what many tend to overlook: comprehensive SEO strategies. Our aim is for uniquely exceptional properties to secure a spot on the first page of every search engine, not limiting to just Google.

List Your Property with One Of A Kind Listing

Looking to list your property and enhance its global visibility? Our team of web engineers employs a comprehensive array of established SEO techniques, along with a few undisclosed strategies. Whether you’re an FSBO or a broker, OneOfAKindListing can provide that additional advantage you’ve been seeking.


Are you satisfied with your website’s current performance? OneOfAKindListing has the ability to boost traffic to your site significantly. Consider a listing with us as akin to a billboard on the internet. Teaming up with SEO Code Monkeys enables us to synergize efforts and propel your website to greater heights. Additionally, SEO Code Monkeys offers a comprehensive SEO audit for just $99.95, providing invaluable insights and tips to optimize your online presence.We’ll handle the construction, management, and ensure no SEO strategy goes unexplored.

Private Sellers(FSBO)

OneOfAKindListing actively seeks unique properties while employing robust SEO strategies. Our website’s appeal lies not only in the uniqueness of properties but also in our effective SEO practices. Visitors return an average of 2.6 times per month to explore new and updated listings. Market your exclusive property confidently and access a worldwide audience. We offer a range of packages designed to cater to various needs, ensuring that one will align perfectly with your requirements.

FSBO Packages

$ 29.95
  • Time Period: 1 month
  • 10 Images
  • Ebook: Homeseller's Guide(Value $14.95)
$ 49.95
  • Time Period: 6 months
  • Feature Listing
  • 20 Images
  • Monthly Analytics Report
  • Ebook: Homeseller's Guide(Value $14.95)
  • Ebook: Photo for Real Estate (Value $9.95)
  • Ebook: Home Staging(Value $9.95)

Be where the world is looking.

The properties we showcase enjoy unparalleled global visibility thanks to our highly effective SEO strategies. Our award-winning website stands out by implementing a unique blend of these strategies, surpassing other real estate platforms. These meticulously crafted approaches not only drive increased traffic to our site but also generate unparalleled exposure for the listings we feature.

What you can get only with us:

  • Unrivaled SEO marketing

  • Monthly Analytics Reports

  • Brand and reputation

  • True global reach

  • Unmatched service

Unmatched SEO

We drive more eyes to your listing.


Return engagement


The most technically advanced SEO real estate platform online.


Annual visits to oneofakindlisting.comand experiencing rapid expansion

Market your property using our customized SEO strategy tailored specifically for your property.

If you have any questions or concerns, simply contact us, and we’ll reach out to you promptly..

Let’s get in touch.

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